Lucky Dawgs Brewing Company is a craft brewery located in Hong Kong with strong roots in the USA. For the beer labels, posters, print marketing, and overall brand look and feel, we worked together to create art that attracts the younger generations.
The bulldog graphic features two lucky four leaf clovers, a Chinese lucky number (88), Mandarin and English text and a hand-drawn bulldog with hops and other elements sketched throughout. The words "Lucky Dawgs" were incorporated from a former logo created by Young Athenians. Everything else was designed by me. 
Each bottle label gives an air of defiance or rebellion, and they are not meant to be taken seriously or to offend. My personal favorites are Ruby Red Amber Ale and Professor Hops IPA. Work Period: 2016-2018.
258 LAGER:
A throwback to brews aged in the Alps’ icy caves, 258 Lager emerges as Hong Kong’s answer to Münchener dunkel. Floral and spicy noble hop aromas infuse your senses. A promise delivered, 258 follows up with the dunkel’s calling card: a soft, toffee-malt sweetness and subtle hop bitterness. Prost!
258 拉格啤酒 – 這種低溫發酵啤酒的歷史可追溯至遠古阿爾卑斯山冰洞釀造的時期,258拉格啤酒的推出是為了迎合香港人對徳國黑啤的需求。這款啤酒的是用了烘烤麥芽釀造, 在發酵過程中帶出甜美的黑糖味, 配合美妙啤酒花香, 味道更為香醇。258 拉格除了保留黑啤傳統的特色外, 還添加了特殊風味, 讓你品嚐到奶油糖及細膩啤酒花苦澀味。Cheers!
258 Lager, Bottle Label Design, Chinese
There’s never a bad day to hit the links, and this pale ale is ready to greet you at the 19th hole. A citrus-inspired homage to irreverent American pro golfer, Colt “The Big Gravy” Knost, our seasonably golden brew is as crisp as a fall morning. Soft fruit aromas make way for a malty palate that finishes on a light note of hop bitterness.
大肉汁 - 這款淡色愛爾麥啤, 濃郁麥味混合了果香。 正好為慶賀你打入第十九洞而擧杯的佳品。該名字源自於不覊的美國職業高爾夫球員柯爾特Colt Knost – 大肉汁。這款金黃色啤酒的清爽度猶如秋季的清晨。 淡淡的果香配合濃郁的麥味,尾韻略帶輕度啤酒花的苦澀。
Big Gravy Pale Ale, Bottle Label Design, Chinese
Evoking the warmth of the sand and the tanginess of the salt air, our straw-coloured, hazy Belgian Witbier offers complex aromas of phenols infused with lemony tartness and a punch of spice. Its soft body, ripe with sweet maltiness and balanced by low hop bitterness, rises to meet your palate. You won’t find a better way to beat the heat!
海灘上的橘子 – 在金黃稻草色調的比利時白啤中 , 混合了檸檬酸和暖辣的芫茜香料,  釀製出不同層次的口感, 能喚起人們對沙灘又溫暖又帶海水氣味的遐想。幼滑香醇的麥芽味道恰如其分地混合了啤酒花的苦澀味,口感順滑.  在夏日中能體會到清爽、略帶芬芳氣息的啤酒酸味, 實在是難得的消暑極品。
Citrus Beach Witbier, Bottle Label Design, Chinese
Dance to your own beat with the rhythms of our sweet, soulful stout. This deep mahogany ale samples complex aromas of dark chocolate and roasted coffee. Full-bodied and chewy, it’s the sweet malt that signals “Americano coffee” style flavours – with a whisper of hop bitterness for just the right finishing note.
巧克力放克 – 踏着輕快深情舞步節奏來欣賞這款司陶特黑麥啤。 這款啤酒採用了未發芽的烘烤大麥釀造,帶有焦味與烘培咖啡香。還有一股濃郁的巧克力香味, 加強了不同層次的口感.。 口味甜而甘醇。
Chocolate Funk Milk Stout, Beer Label Design, Chinese
Adventure awaits with this curvaceous, well-balanced amber ale. Bold toffee aromas mix with earthy hops and yeasty notes to create the beer you never knew you’d crave. Exotic caramel malt flavours merge with spicy hop bitterness to produce an unforgettable brew. Take it for a ride – and then do it again.
寶石紅 – 美式琥珀愛爾麥啤的味道充滿了豪情奔放,猶如一位婀娜及體態均衡的女仕。由於釀製時加入了較多的焦糖麥芽和水晶麥芽,因此酒體顏色上帶有淺棕或琥珀色。口感上帶有明顯的奶油、焦糖
Ruby Red Amber Ale, Beer Label Design, Chinese
Espresso Assassin Stout, Beer Label Design, Chinese
Looks can be deceiving. This seasonal variation of our Witbier surprises you with heady aromas of ginger and lemongrass mingled with sweet, yeast generated phenols. Bubble gum fused with ginger and lemongrass flavours dominate your palate before malt and spice deliver unexpected finishing notes. Bitterness – typically de rigueur for white guys – is curtailed thanks to the bier’s minimal hops.
白人 – 這種季節限定的白啤加入帶有酸辣味道的姜和香茅, 配合了甜酵母釀造而成。這白啤必定能為你帶來驚喜。姜和香茅的獨特香味能融合在綿密的啤酒泡沬上, 香味縈繞於口腔內,  隨着小麥和香料味道漸漸融入.  豐富的層次感能為你帶來意想不到的口感。 傳統啤酒中的苦澀味也被啤酒花淡化了。
White Guy Wheat Ale, Beer Label Design, Chinese
When it’s time to make a break, never look back. Crystal malts balance the bitterness of mosaic & Chinook hops to deliver a juicy explosion of flavor. The smooth, malty backbone supports a hit of passion fruit & a citrusy grapefruit sting. This IPA is a celebration of hops,  dedication to a cause & a no-regrets attitude.
霍普斯教授 – 當要放下的時候,永不回頭。這款印度淡色愛爾麥啤, 採用水晶麥芽平衡偏重果香味道的馬賽克啤酒花及辛松香氣的奇諾克啤酒花,釀成豐厚多汁的味道。 味道仍以麥味為主,并融入了百香果及柚子的微酸。 此款印度淡色愛爾麥啤成功利用啤酒花帶出令人讃歎的口味。
Professor Hops IPA, Beer Label Design, Chinese
This is a generic label design for limited edition beers.
Gingerbread Latte Stout, Beer Label Design, Chinese
Fillable can design. Smaller than a growler... it's a crowler! Get your beer to-go by ordering a 6-pack or case of your favorite beer on tap.
Crowler Can, Beer Label Design, Chinese
 Instagram photos of printed products. Crowler cans on the left, tap handles in the middle, then outdoor signage and tent backdrops and a shirt design for the Augusta Masters Golf Tournament on the right.
A set of three posters. The first is of the bulldog logo and bottle display set, the second honors Colt Knost, aka "The Big Gravy," an American pro-golfer and the third is outdoor marketing signage that creatively displays costs.
Lucky Dawgs Brewing Co, Posters, Beer
Lucky Dawgs Brewing Co Logo, Bulldog face
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